Friday, July 3, 2009

Back with a BANG!

So it's been a while since I last posted here. No excuse really. I have the tendency to get a little sidetracked, starting new projects only to get bored after the initial excitement of the whole venture wears off. It's not that I haven't been baking, believe me I have. I just haven't been taking pictures and blogging about the experience. But lately the itch to share my sweet treats has returned and when I made blueberry scones yesterday I knew it was time.

I've been wanting to make blueberry scones for some time now. I had never even tried a scone until recently and yesterday was the first time I made them. I used the blueberry streusel scone recipe from Since I didn't hunt down any devonshire cream to go with them I made a mascarpone whipped cream also found on the I ate one immediately after they came out of the oven and a second one not long after the first.

It's one of those things where when your done eating it you use your fork to mash up any bits of crumbs left on the plate, it's that good.

Here they are right out of the oven. Look at how the cream melts and oozes all down the sides of the scone. YUM,YUM,YUM!!
I sprinkled a little of the streusel topping and a few extra blueberries I had left over on top. Who doesn't love a little extra yum!
And here it is after given a few minutes to cool off. No oozing cream but just as big on the YUM factor. And look how festive they are, perfect for the 4th wouldn't you say.
Close-up of delicious blueberry goodness...

The key to mixing these is to NOT over mix them. I mixed them completely by hand and just until the flour was incorporated. Over mixing will yield a tough scone. Be gentle when folding in the berries so they don't burst before baking and I didn't use all of the streusel topping. But you can sprinkle it on afterwords or even save it for your pancakes, either way it's delish!

Next time I think I will add a little more lemon zest to the cream, I only used half a lemon this time. The lemon compliments the blueberries so well and gives the cream a really fresh taste. I'm telling you, from the way the blueberries pop in the scones during baking spreading their delicious juices throughout to the rich and creamy, sweet goodness that is the mascarpone whipped cream these babies are a must try. Not to mention how festive they are for the 4th. What better way to start your Independence day celebrations then with a fresh blueberry scone...YUM!!


Snooky doodle said...

oh these surely look delicious! glad you re back :)

John said...

I won't lie and say I know or care about cooking, but I do love to eat and those made my mouth water.

Run DMT said...

Funny, that you made a British pastry to celebrate the Fourth. We whipped the British, so why not whip up a tasty British treat? LOL

I never thought of using mascarpone to make a devonshire-like cream. I am definitely (me...meaning Allan, of course LOL) going to have to try that. It sounds delicious!

Nicole said...

Too funny Denise! I hadn't even thought of that. Wish I had, it would have been clever...